SNU-SAMSUNG OpenCL Framework:
Supported API Functions
The SNU-SAMSUNG OpenCL framework follows the OpenCL specification version 1.0. It supports the following OpenCL API functions (functions crossed out are not supported by the framework).
- Platform
- clGetPlatformIDs
- clGetPlatformInfo
- Device
- clGetDeviceIDs
- clGetDeviceInfo
- Context
- clCreateContext
- clCreateContextFromType
- clRetainContext
- clReleaseContext
- clGetContextInfo
- Command Queue
- clCreateCommandQueue
- clRetainCommandQueue
- clReleaseCommandQueue
- clGetCommandQueueInfo
- clSetCommandQueueProperty
- Memory Object
- clCreateBuffer
clCreateImage2DclCreateImage3D- clRetainMemObject
- clReleaseMemObject
clGetSupportedImageFormats- clGetMemObjectInfo
- Sampler
- Program Object
- clCreateProgramWithSource
- clCreateProgramWithBinary
- clRetainProgram
- clReleaseProgram
- clBuildProgram
- clUnloadCompiler
- clGetProgramInfo
- clGetProgramBuildInfo
- Kernel Object
- clCreateKernel
- clCreateKernelsInProgram
- clRetainKernel
- clReleaseKernel
- clSetKernelArg
- clGetKernelInfo
- clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo
- Event Object
- clWaitForEvents
- clGetEventInfo
- clRetainEvent
- clReleaseEvent
- Profiling
- clGetEventProfilingInfo
- Flush and Finish
- clFlush
- clFinish
- Enqueued Commands
- clEnqueueReadBuffer
- clEnqueueWriteBuffer
- clEnqueueCopyBuffer
clEnqueueReadImageclEnqueueWriteImageclEnqueueCopyImageclEnqueueCopyImageToBufferclEnqueueCopyBufferToImage- clEnqueueMapBuffer
clEnqueueMapImage- clEnqueueUnmapMemObject
- clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
- clEnqueueTask
clEnqueueNativeKernel- clEnqueueMarker
- clEnqueueWaitForEvents
- clEnqueueBarrier